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Want to become a Metis Citizen or need to Renew your card?

Need information on Harvester applications, CTF stickers or Laws of the Harvest? Scroll to the bottom of the page.


OLD CARDS refer to those citizenship cards that do not begin with a V or C . If your card does not begin with a V or C you need to confirm your Citizenship. You can use the Online form and click NEW applicant. You will need to reapply, which means you will need to submit a genealogy, birth certificate, etc. See below for more info on the process of applying as a new citizen or click on the Online Application button below to see what is needed.

***For citizens with cards that begin with C who are now over the age of 18 you can apply for a new Individual card ( it will begin with a V). This is required to vote in MMF elections. You need to fill out an application form and send to SE office ( see below). Click New and write at top of form that you are applying to update your C card to a V card. You do not need to submit a genealogy but you need to send in new photos, photocopy of ID, and $10 ( if you have a harvester card or are applying for a harvester card it is $20). You would sign everywhere it asks. Please make sure witness signature is dated the same date as your signature. For more info see below for address, payment and how to submit photos.

CITIZENSHIP PROCESS - On the application fill out pages 3,4,5,8,9, 10 ( only page 9 if you are applying for a Harvester card),

On page 3 tick the box "Individual Citizenship (new)" for adults over 18 or "Children's Citizenship" depending on your age. If you are applying for a Harvester card tick the box "Metis Harvester Identification." On page 10 fill in the the local affiliation as Lorette and the region as Southeast (The application requires that someone from the local sign page 10, however due to Covid restrictions the Southeast office will sign on our behalf). You need to get passport photos (info below), photo copy of ID (drivers license or passport and health card, for children a birth certificate or baptismal record and health card would work), and a genealogy with supporting documents (if your name or children’s name does not appear on the genealogy a long form birth certificate or baptismal record is needed to show you have a connection to the genealogy). Scroll down to the Genealogy section where you will find a word document outlining the genealogy process along with relevant forms for applying. There is also a link to the Société Historique de Saint-Boniface, which is the organization that completes the genealogy. Information on photo requirements and cost of processing the application is below.



This process has changed so please read the following. If your card starts with a V (individual over 18) or C (child under 18) use the citizenship application. Write on the first page at the top of the application "renewal" if you are updating from a C card to a V card click NEW and write "updating card from C to V" on top of form. If your card does not start with V or C tick the box on page 3 "Individual Citizenship (Confirmation)." In both cases if you have a Harvester card write the number on page 3 where it asks for harvester card number. In all renewal instances you will fill fill out ,pages 3, 4, 5, 8, and if you are applying for a Harvester card for the first time fill out page 9. On age 3, the local affiliation is Lorette and the region is Southeast.

You need to send in passport photos (info below) and copy of ID.


Application and Link to MMF Website

Web link for MMF for more info and applications

Information for First Time Applicants and Renewals

including photo info, cost, and where to mail the forms.

PHOTO information: PHOTOS for both first time applicants and renewals are now being accepted via email. Email the jpeg file to Sheri Williams at with your name as the subject. Attach a note to your application that has the date you emailed your photos. If you are sending in a copy of your genealogy you should also take a photo of the seal and email it to Sheri; this is to ensure the seal is clear as sometimes with photocopies the seal loses quality.) You can take a photo yourself or have passport photos taken by Walmart, Photo Central, or another establishment. If you are taking the photo yourself it can be taken with a cellphone, digital camera, laptop, tablet, etc., but they must meet application specifications. An acceptable application photo is taken the same way as you would a Canadian Passport photo. Use a neutral expression with a closed mouth, do not smile and ensure eyes are open and looking directly at the camera. Please refrain from wearing glasses, hats, large hair accessories, etc. Use a white or near white flat no textured background, try to ensure that the photo is well-lit and avoid any shadows, if possible. Please incorporate the applicant’s head, shoulders and chest while providing ample clearance (white space), above the applicant’s head.

COST: Cost for first time applicants and renewals is $10 Cash or money order payable to the Manitoba Metis Federation. If you are applying for a harvester card it is an additional $10. The fee is waived for people over 55 for both citizenship, renewals, and harvester cards.

MAIL FORMS TO: Southeast Regional Metis Corporation, PO Box 13, 56 Parkview ave. Grand Marais, R0E 0T0

***Please call Sheri at the Southeast Region if you have questions or to go over the required documents needed. She can be reached at (204) 754-2721.

Genealogy Information

For Genealogy information and forms click on PDF below or visit the website for Société Historique de Saint-Boniface

For a direct link to the St. Boniface Historical Society for genealogy information click below.

Harvester cards, CTF stickers, and Metis Laws of the Harvest


If you already have a citizenship card and want to get a harvester card you need to fill out the citizenship application. If you are applying for a Harvester card for the first time and already have a citizenship card but it does not need to be renewed yet you would need to send in a photo (read the PHOTO information above for requirements). Fill out pages 3,4,5,8, and 9. On page 3 click the box "Metis Harvester Identification." Be sure to click all the boxes you need to on page 3. For instance if you are applying for a new citizenship, confirmation, or renewal at the same time tick the relevant box on page 3 and the box "Metis Harvester Identification." Just to be safe send in a copy of ID.

If your photo is very old you may want to update it. You would have to call Sheri at

(204) 754-2721 to find out how to update your harvester photo.

Mail you forms to Southeast Regional Metis Corporation, PO Box 13, 56 Parkview ave., Grand Marais, R0E 0T0. The fee is $10 for a Harvester card but the fee is waived for those 55+. Cash or money order payable to the Manitoba Metis Federation are accepted.

The harvester card does not expire but you do need to get CTF tags every April to hunt and fish. CTF stickers and a survey need to be filled out and mailed to the Southeast office or dropped off in Winnipeg at the head office. Once tags are available for the new fiscal year they will be posted below. The blue and red button are the forms for this fiscal year.

For more information on Harvester cards and other relevant information on harvesting click the yellow button below.

Always follow the Laws of the Harvest. Click the green button to read the Laws of the Harvest.

MMF Harvester website

April 2021 to March 31, 2022 forms

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